One thing that really surprised me when I started working with OpenGL is that when you write a class that wraps an OpenGL object, you should never make a copy of an instance of that class. To understand why, consider this example:

Let’s say you have a function called LoadMeshFromFile that reads the vertex attributes of a mesh from a glTF file and returns a VAO and an EBO that can be used to render that mesh:

// The last three parameters are output parameters
void LoadMeshFromFile(const std::string& inFilePath,
                      unsigned int& outVAO,
                      unsigned int& outEBO,
                      unsigned int& outNumIndices);

Using that function to load a teapot and render it would look like this:

// Load the teapot
unsigned int VAO, EBO, numIndices;
LoadMeshFromFile("assets/models/teapot.gltf", VAO, EBO, numIndices);

// Render it
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, numIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

// Delete it
glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &VAO);
glDeleteBuffers(1, &EBO);

Note the calls to delete the VAO and the EBO at the bottom. We need to remember to make those calls once we are done working with the teapot, or otherwise we would leak the OpenGL objects that represent it. The problem is that making those calls is something that’s easy to forget, but we can make sure that we always do it by using this simple wrapper class:

class Mesh
    Mesh(unsigned int VAO, unsigned int EBO, unsigned int numIndices)
        : mVAO(VAO), mEBO(EBO), mNumIndices(numIndices)


    ~Mesh() {
        // Delete the OpenGL objects when an instance of this wrapper class is destroyed
        glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &mVAO);
        glDeleteBuffers(1, &mEBO);    

    void render() {
        glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, mNumIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

   unsigned int mVAO, mEBO, mNumIndices;

With the Mesh class in our toolbox, loading the teapot and rendering it would now look like this:

// Load the teapot
unsigned int VAO, EBO, numIndices;
LoadMeshFromFile("assets/models/teapot.gltf", VAO, EBO, numIndices);

// Wrap the OpenGL objects
Mesh teapot(VAO, EBO, numIndices);

// Render the teapot

// When the teapot variable goes out of scope,
// its destructor automatically deletes the OpenGL objects

Now it’s impossible to forget to delete the OpenGL objects, but looking at the code above you might think:

Why doesn’t the LoadMeshFromFile function return a Mesh object instead of three separate values? By returning a Mesh object there’s no chance that somebody would forget to wrap the values it returns.

And you are totally right, that’s much cleaner. With that change, the LoadMeshFromFile function would look like this:

Mesh LoadMeshFromFile(const std::string& filePath) {
    unsigned int VAO, EBO, numIndices;

    // Read the vertex attributes from the glTF file
    // Configure the VAO and the EBO

    Mesh loadedMesh(VAO, EBO, numIndices);

    return loadedMesh;

And using it would look like this:

Mesh teapot = LoadMeshFromFile("assets/models/teapot.gltf");

Everything seems perfect, but unfortunately the code above has a subtle problem that will cause it to fail. To understand that problem, let’s do a step-by-step walkthrough of this line of code:

Mesh teapot = LoadMeshFromFile("assets/models/teapot.gltf");

Note: The sequence of events presented below is not accurate in modern C++ because of compiler optimizations like copy elision and the return value optimization (RVO). I decided to omit the effects of those optimizations to simplify the analysis.

  • The LoadMeshFromFile function returns a Mesh object by value. That temporary Mesh object (let’s refer to it as returnedTempMesh) is copy-constructed from loadedMesh:
// returnedTempMesh is the Mesh that's returned by this function
Mesh LoadMeshFromFile(const std::string& filePath) {
    // ...

    // returnedTempMesh is copy-constructed from loadedMesh
    return loadedMesh;
  • Because of that copy-construction there is a point in time when we have two objects (loadedMesh and returnedTempMesh) that wrap the same OpenGL objects.

  • When we exit LoadMeshFromFile, loadedMesh goes out of scope, which causes the OpenGL objects it wraps to be deleted in its destructor. Since returnedTempMesh wraps the same OpenGL objects, this means that the objects that returnedTempMesh wraps have now been deleted too.

  • Finally, the teapot object is copy-constructed from returnedTempMesh, which causes it to end up wrapping the already deleted OpenGL objects too.

So the call to teapot.render() will fail because the VAO and the EBO of the teapot have already been deleted by the time we execute it.

The root of this problem is the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator that C++ silently generated for us in the Mesh class. Those methods look like this:

// Copy constructor
Mesh::Mesh(const Mesh& rhs)
    : mVAO(rhs.mVAO)
    , mEBO(rhs.mEBO)
    , mNumIndices(rhs.mNumIndices)


// Copy assignment operator
Mesh& Mesh::operator=(const Mesh& rhs) {
    mVAO = rhs.mVAO;
    mEBO = rhs.mEBO;
    mNumIndices = rhs.mNumIndices;
    return *this;

As OpenGL developers we know that even though mVAO and mVBO are unsigned ints, those two member variables effectively behave as pointers to memory on the GPU, which is why it doesn’t make sense to have two instances of the Mesh class with the same mVAO and mVBO values. The problem is that C++ doesn’t know that. In its eyes mVAO and mVBO are simple unsigned ints that can be easily copied.

The fact that we explicitly declared a destructor in the Mesh class should tell C++ that there’s something particular about the member variables of said class, and that it shouldn’t generate a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator for that reason. Unfortunately, C++ doesn’t do that because adding that feature would break too much legacy code. Explicitly declaring a destructor only prevents the generation of the move constructor and the move assignment operator:

class Mesh
    // ...

    // The presence of this destructor doesn't prevent C++ from generating
    // the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator. It only prevents it from
    // generating the move constructor and the move assignment operator
    ~Mesh() {
        glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &mVAO);
        glDeleteBuffers(1, &mEBO);    

    // C++ silently generates the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator
    // even though we defined the destructor
    Mesh(const Mesh& rhs);
    Mesh& operator=(const Mesh& rhs);

    // C++ doesn't generate the move constructor and the move assignment operator
    // because we defined the destructor
    Mesh(Mesh&& rhs) = delete;
    Mesh& operator=(Mesh&& rhs) = delete;

    unsigned int mVAO, mEBO, mNumIndices;

So how do we fix this? The first solution that comes to mind is to define the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator of the Mesh class ourselves, and to somehow copy the OpenGL objects in them so that when they are called each Mesh object involved ends up wrapping its own OpenGL objects:

// Copy constructor
Mesh::Mesh(const Mesh& rhs) {
    // Somehow duplicate rhs.mVAO and rhs.mEBO in the GPU
    // In other words, perform a deep copy

    // Wrap the duplicates
    mVAO = copyOfVAO;
    mEBO = copyOfEBO;
    mNumIndices = rhs.mNumIndices;

// Copy assignment operator
Mesh& Mesh::operator=(const Mesh& rhs) {
    // Somehow duplicate rhs.mVAO and rhs.mEBO in the GPU
    // In other words, perform a deep copy

    // Wrap the duplicates
    mVAO = copyOfVAO;
    mEBO = copyOfEBO;
    mNumIndices = rhs.mNumIndices;
    return *this;

That would be great, but according to the OpenGL documentation it’s not a good idea:

Copying an OpenGL object’s data to a new object is incredibly expensive; it is also essentially impossible to do, thanks to the ability of extensions to add state that you might not statically know about.

So the only option that we are left with is to disable the copying of the Mesh class so that nobody runs into this problem while using it. It may seem hard to work with Mesh objects that cannot be copied but remember that they can still be moved if we define a move constructor and a move assignment operator. With those final improvements, the Mesh class looks like this:

class Mesh
    // ...

    // Delete the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator so that
    // instances of this class cannot be copied anymore
    Mesh(const Mesh& rhs) = delete;
    Mesh& operator=(const Mesh& rhs) = delete;

    // Move constructor
    Mesh(Mesh&& rhs) noexcept
        : mVAO(std::exchange(rhs.mVAO, 0))
        , mEBO(std::exchange(rhs.mEBO, 0))
        , mNumIndices(std::exchange(rhs.mNumIndices, 0))


    // Move assignment operator
    Mesh& operator=(Mesh&& rhs) noexcept {
       mVAO = std::exchange(rhs.mVAO, 0);
       mEBO = std::exchange(rhs.mEBO, 0);
       mNumIndices = std::exchange(rhs.mNumIndices, 0);
       return *this;

    // ...

   unsigned int mVAO, mEBO, mNumIndices;

Now it’s impossible to copy Mesh objects. They can only be moved, and when a move occurs, the mVAO and mVBOof the object that we move from are set equal to 0, which is equivalent to saying that it doesn’t wrap any OpenGL objects anymore.

And something cool is that we don’t have to make any changes to the LoadMeshFromFile function. To understand why, let’s do a step-by-step walkthrough of the same line of code as before:

Mesh teapot = LoadMeshFromFile("assets/models/teapot.gltf");

Note: The sequence of events presented below is not accurate in modern C++ because of compiler optimizations like copy elision and the return value optimization (RVO). I decided to omit the effects of those optimizations to simplify the analysis.

  • The LoadMeshFromFile function returns a Mesh object by value. That temporary Mesh object (let’s refer to it as returnedTempMesh) is move-constructed from loadedMesh:
// returnedTempMesh is the Mesh that's returned by this function
Mesh LoadMeshFromFile(const std::string& filePath) {
    // ...

    // returnedTempMesh is move-constructed from loadedMesh
    return loadedMesh;
  • When returnedTempMesh is move-constructed, loadedMesh stops wrapping any OpenGL objects.

  • When we exit LoadMeshFromFile, loadedMesh goes out of scope, which causes its destructor to be called. Since its mVAO and mVBO were set to 0 during the move-construction of returnedTempMesh, its destructor doesn’t delete any OpenGL objects.

  • Finally, the teapot object is move-constructed from returnedTempMesh. Because of this move-construction, when returnedTempMesh is destroyed, it doesn’t delete the OpenGL objects that teapot now wraps.

I know this all seems terribly complicated at first, but I like to think of all these details as “the rules of the game.” Once you know them, you can focus on actually playing the game and on the things that make it fun, like rendering beautiful teapots!

Colourful teapot